What is the cost? Commuters (not staying overnight) Meal Prices: Zoom (limited participation) $25 What do I get? When does it start and end? Dinner starts at 5:30 pm Friday Opening ceremonies begin at 7:00 pm Friday Why should I…
This is an annual tradition of being of service so that no member need be alone on this day. Meetings will be going from 7:00am to 8:00pm. ZOOM information Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87334293874?pwd=ZWxuNEtlQmIyekJ6MnhxTjFTK1U0QT09Meeting ID: 873 3429 3874Passcode: 924132 To host a…
Presented by the Foothill Intergroup Starting at 1:00 pm$10 donation suggested OA JEOPARDY will be a fun competition based on the Jeopardy tv game show but with all the questions relating to our program. Each meeting is invited to send…